Thai Rubber Latex Group Public Company Limited, which is popularly known as “THAITEX”, was incorporated on December 6, 1985 with the purpose of operating as a manufacturer and distributor of concentrated latex and other latex products. On March 8, 1993 the company was listed at the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the company’s shares are being traded under the code name of TRUBB. THAITEX has become a very well-known and well accepted brand in the global latex industry.
Thai Rubber Latex Group Public Company Limited. Operates under the firm determination to make efficient use of resources. To produce quality products, which supercede the standrads that are internationally accepted including bringing new innovations used in production to meet the needs of consumers and in accordance with the sustainable development of the global market.
Our products are green products. We provide the best quality products to our customers. We create the sustainability for our shareholders.
1. To produce the green products that are superior to international standards to meet the needs and satisfaction of customers;
2. To create the quality products that are friendly to the society and environment;
3. To develop new innovations in order to create sustainable development value for all stakeholders;
4. To develop the people with maximum efficiency and environment, social and governance mindset.
T : Trustworthy (ความไว้วางใจ)
To be honest; to keep promises and words; dare to speak and act; to guarantee quality product delivery and at the appointed time.
H : High Quality (คุณภาพดีเหนือกว่ามาตรฐาน)
To produce high quality products that are higher than the specified standards so that customers receive maximum satisfaction.
A : Accountability (ความรับผิดชอบต่อหน้าที่และผลงาน)
The employees know their duties; being responsible; work with discipline; pay attention to the work; deliver the work correctly on schedule; dare to face the obstacles in order to complete the work according to the goal.
I : Innovation (นวัตกรรม)
To initiate new things; think outside the box; open to new things; continuously develop and improve; have the courage to try and make mistakes; have curiosity; eager to experiment and be creative.
T : Teamwork (การทำงานเป็นทีม)
The employees in all departments cooperate; help each other in every job with willingness; help each other solve the problems with the same goal; accept and listen to the opinions of others and; are ready to use them for making the corrections and improvements.
E : ESG (การพัฒนาองค์กรอย่างยั่งยืน)
To drive the operation by taking into account the important issues regarding the organization's sustainability and impacts on the stakeholders involved in their commission in accordance with the principles of environment conservation, social responsibility and good corporate governance.
X : Excellence (มุ่งสู่ความเป็นเลิศ)
To focus on the performance of duties to achieve an excellent standard, being the market leader; develop the potential to be ready in every situation in order to create the financial and business stability.
1. Select the source of good and fresh raw materials with suitable quality for productions.
2. Procurement of sufficient raw materials for full production.
3. Bring new innovations to use in production. To reduce production cost and increase product variety.
4. Implementing it systems to help manage the organization effectively.
5. Increase sales from existing customer base and find new the market segment.
6. Set up the cost savings at the corporate level.
7. Mange the human resources effectively.